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Experience, be it personal or professional; is nothing but a journey of meeting people, learning new things, handling tasks, problem-solving and critical decision making. Life indeed is a journey of gathering experiences and sharing them with people around; precisely for what I am writing this today. Although my journey is only halfway through and I have a long way to travel ahead but, still, I thought of sharing whatever I have so far gathered. I aim at making this website a repertoire of all such topics I have learnt so far, leadership qualities and life skills I have witnessed and practised and many more stories. This makes me capable of offering management solutions and training to businesses and individuals.

I have created a YouTube channel wherein I have started posting videos of motivational leadership, life skills and psychometrics. I plan to post as many videos there as possible to reach out to people so that I can be of a little help to them while they are dealing with gaps. I can support in managing a business, analyzing training needs and orient training sessions. I can coach, consult and work towards improving the workforce for better productivity.

This website is my digital and social identity wherein I could connect to people and try to add value through my contents. I believe, in today’s era of digital global citizenship; one avenue gives way to many. One opportunity opens up many possibilities; one stream branches out to multiple streams.

Similarly, I am hopeful that this platform would connect me to many and also, many would find me. Likeminded people coming together can create wonders.

My Core Areas of Expertise

Leadership Training

Training Delivery Through Workshops

Motivational Leadership and Orientation

Business Consultancy

Communicative English Coaching


Productivity Management

Content Development and Management

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